Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Drag Race Challenge

It was a challenge that whose robot is going to finish 3 m race at first. This investigation, i think, is sat up to use gears.

During the class time, I could see many groups were using huge gear(driving gear) to get much faster spped with smallest gear(driven gear). So, we used 4 gears. 2 was biggest gear and 2 was smallest gear. but it was not up to the expectation. The robot didn't even move 1 cmon the ground!!! but, in the air, the wheels rotateed vigorously. we were shocked. It was weird. From the long discussion, we made a conclusion that motor doesn't have much power to rotate 2 huge gear. It was unexpected result. So, we used 2 medium size gear and 2 smallest gear. This time the robot moved, but it doesn't move as fast as when we used only 2 gear, smallest one and biggest one. Finally, we knew that the best decision is using 2 gears, huge and smallest one. overall, we used biggest gear and smalles gear.

I guess the winner of the race is who has the a robot with good start. (responding time)

1 comment:

Johnny said...

Yeah.. Pretty unfair